Friday 26 September 2014

Mor er den bedste i verden

Hver dag, der går, 
mor er min bedste ven!
Hvad så med far?
Han er så rar,
jeg elsker jo også ham, men:
Mor er den bedste i verden,
enhver har hende kær.
Sorger, man tro'de, var store
bli'r glemt, når hun er nær.
Der er en fred og en varme
i hendes kærlige arme.
Mor er den bedste i verden,
fordi hun er min mor.
Store og små,
I må forstå,
der er kun en som mor!
Syng nu en gang
med på min sang,
det er jo så sandt, hvert ord,
for mor er den bedste i verden,
så sød, kærlig og rar.
Derfor hun altid vil være
det dejligste, vi har.
Bare hun smiler, så er det,
som var der sol i mit hjerte!
Mor er den bedste i verden,
fordi hun er min mor!
klar' det mig står:

Thursday 28 February 2013


Benny is a derogatory term used by year-round residents of the Jersey Shore to describe rude, flashy, loud tourists from North Jersey and New York. Since local residents appreciate the tourists' economic contribution, the term "Benny" sometimes refers to only those unpleasant tourists that cut lines, drive recklessly, start fights, park on the wrong side of the street, harass women, or deliver other disrespect. Benny is actually an acronym for the tourists' origins of Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark, and New York - and areas around them. 

One erroneous definition put forth by some is that it is short for benefactors for the money they spend at the shore. Most local residents have never believed this definition. The term 'Shoobie' is used by residents of resort communities in the southern New Jersey Shore, from Long Beach Island to Cape May. The term shoobie was originally used to describe day-trippers who took the train to the shore. The train offered pre-packed lunches that came in shoe boxes; hence the term "shoobie." However, over time the meaning has changed to include tourists that wear sneakers or shoes on the beach, as opposed to most locals who go barefoot on the sand.

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Benny is a derogatory term used by year-round residents of the Jersey Shore to describe rude, flashy, loud, tourists from northern New Jersey and New York. While local residents appreciate the tourists' economic contribution, the term "Benny" specifically refers to only those unpleasant tourists that cut lines, drive recklessly, start fights, harass women, or deliver other disrespect. Some say "Benny" originated as an acronym for the tourists' residency--in Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark, or New York (B,E,N,NY).The term has expanded to encompass all obnoxious non-resident tourists (i.e. tourists from northern New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) who collectively frequent the Jersey Shore from Memorial Day to Labor Day, crowding local roads, stores, beaches, and restaurants. The term "Benny" is predominantly used by local residents of beachfront towns in Ocean County and Monmouth County.

The term 'Shoobie' is used by residents of resort communities in the southern New Jersey Shore, from Long Beach Island to Cape May. The term shoobie was originally used to describe day-trippers who took the train to the shore. The train offered pre-packed lunches that came in shoe boxes; hence the term "shoobie." However, over time the meaning has changed to include tourists that wear sneakers or shoes on the beach, as opposed to most locals who go barefoot on the sand.

Sunday 20 November 2005

Derfor er Google min ven

Derfor er Google min ven
Rart når noget rigtigt virker. Prøv selv:

1. Gå på
2. Skriv ordet: "failure" i søgefeltet
3. Klik på "jeg føler mig heldig"
4. Ikke grine for højt!

Saturday 19 November 2005

Mit første skridt i denne bloggerverden

Sidder bare og venter på hvor al den inspiration dog blev af, jeg havde inden jeg startede på dette projekt.
Skulle nok have startet lidt tidligere på aftenen